Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Healthy snacks to go: Apple Slices

Photo and tip courtesy of The Yummy Life
It's so hard to eat healthy when you're in a hurry! With a little planning ahead you can healthy snacks ready when you are so you are less tempted to reach for sugary, highly processed foods like chips, cookies and snack cakes. One of my favorite healthy snacks is apple slices. Problem is I don't always have access to a knife or the time. They sell pre-cut baggies of apples but they are more expensive and who knows what they put on the apples to keep them crisp and from turning brown. I read a post by Monica at http://www.theyummylife.com that by ...

Sunday, January 20, 2013

When You Eat Matters!

We all know what you eat matters when you are trying to lose weight. Did you know that what time of day you eat can also help or hinder your weigh loss journey? Our busiest, most calorie torching time is in the morning then holds fairly steady until after lunch.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Foods you should stay avoid when dieting

Say no to pasta that isn't whole grain.
Image courtesy of http://www.gaumenverfuehrer.de/
Everyone that goes on a diet doesn’t always go or follow through. You have to be strict to your self and control your urges. If you don’t control your urges than you will not succeed in losing the weight you want. I am going to talk about what foods you should stay away from when on a diet. You should stay away from starchy foods and anything high in fat or salt.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Fun ways to excersise

If you hate exercising because you think it is boring, Well I here to tell you about some fun ways that exercise. First of all apply what you like to do to exercising. For example if you like to dance get into Zumba, or a some exercise dance class. This makes it fun with all the music and the fun instructors.

When you do this its not like you are doing work but having fun with others. It can have a positive effect on your attitude about working out  because its something you like doing. You can also join a hula-hoop fitness class which can be really fun and you can learn tricks too. You really can impress your friends with that. You may not know it but swimming is an excellent way to exercise and can be fun and relaxing. If you really like being in the water you can choose water aerobics. These are really neat ways to exercising while having fun. I hope these suggestions help you make excising fun.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tips on how to get that Brazilian butt you have always wanted

Photo Courtesy of the TheHauteBunny.
Many women have dreamed of having a high and tight Brazilian butt. You can achieve this with the right type of training and nutrition plan. Follow these steps to get that butt you have always wanted.

The first and most effective way to reshape your butt is to find the right type of weightlifting workouts . Many women think that lifting a light weight for multiple reps is the best way to define their muscles; however this is an incorrect way of thinking. You will see better results pushing your body harder than normal and lifting as heavy weights as possible, so that must be your focus to achieve the results you want.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Tips and Tricks to losing Weight

Image from Hillcrest Medical Center
If you are losing weight, then eat a less calories  and if you are trying to gain weight then you will want to eat more calories. I know this is a little confusing but it’s the truth. Counting calories helps you focus on what your calorie in take is and helps you maintain your weight.Focusing on your diet plan is very important. With a positive attitude and the willingness to succeed is key to get your desired weight loss.  You will feel happy and feel so much healthier. You can encourage your friends and relatives by giving suggestions to maintain healthy living by decreasing weight. For you to lose weight ...

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

5 Wonderful Benefits of Eating Healthy

Some of the biggest benefits of eating healthy are staying physically fit, feel better, and having fewer illnesses. By eating healthy you can lower your risk of illnesses like heart disease and diabetes. Another benefit of eating healthy is being able to maintain a healthy weight. This is very important In todays society because it is a epidemic. So many people are so over weight and by eating healthy you can maintain your weight and keep it down along with regular exercise. But how many of us pass these benefits of eating healthy to our children, and promote healthy eating. If we did, we could see healthier, happier children, and prevent teenage obesity.
Here are some major benefits of eating healthy every day:
  1. Eating healthy is probably the easiest and most important way in which you can prevent illness and diseases. heart disease and diabetes. By eating healthy you are boosting your energy levels, improving your bodily functions, and your immune system. 
  2. Its very important to meet your daily nutritional needs. Your daily food intake should include some amounts of grain, fruit, vegetables, milk, beans, oils, and protein.
  3. When eating healthy you will have more energy and enjoy life more. You will be able to face the tasks before you. Healthy eating can reduce your stress levels.
  4. You will sleep better and be more rested when you wake up. 
  5. If you are overweight, you will be able to lose that weight more easily - and maintain it long term! Once you apply a healthy diet it your lifestyle the results will be rewarding and yet surprising and you will be glad you did.