Monday, November 18, 2013

A Surprising Way to Treat UTIs

You probably know drinking cranberry justice helps  prevent and treat Urinary Tract infections. But when it comes to fighting UTIs Garlic is no slouch. Like cranberry juice Garlic destroys bacteria in urinary tract. Garlics antibiotic powers work against organisms that commonly cause UTIs including E coli, Proteus species.

To prevent UTIs make room for more garlic in your diet. Two to three cloves of freshly chopped garlic a day should do the trick. For more flavor when eating it try to cook the garlic with olive oil. You can also take garlic supplements just make sure the odor component is not removed, since thats what gives garlic it antibacterial action. Enteric-coated garlic capsules combined with chlorophyll help reduce odor.

A Secret for Beautiful Skin

If you have always wanted beautiful skin look no further. Honey can help you achieve this. Honey is a natural humectat. A humectant is a compound That helps skin retain moisture so if you have dry skin you can kiss your dy skin good bye. Here is a recipe to try to help achieve this goal.

Mix 1/4 of oatmeal with a half cup of water in a tall microwave safe container. Cook for two minutes in the microwave. make sure that the oatmeal does not boil. allow the mixture to cool until it is warm. The stir in 1/4 cup of honey into the oatmeal until blended well. spread over face and leave on for 12 minutes. Then rinse with cool not cold water and start enjoying the results. You should do this a couple times week.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Spicy seasoning Melts Away Pounds

Losing weight can be a easy as turning up the heat in the meals you eat. Cayenne, chlli pepper, banana Peppers, and Jalopenos They all pack the fiery-hot compound capsaicin. Adding spice to your meals could prevent future weight gain and fight flab you have. So if your stomache can handle spicy meals this can be a real advantage to you to help you lose weight.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Cereal Boosts Your Brain

A daily bowl of cereal could boost your brain health. By helping regulate blood sugar, cereal lowers your risk of Alzheimer's and other dementias.  In People with diabetes, insulin resistance, or chronically high blood sugar, brain cells can't get enough glucose to do their job. This fuel shortage can lead to mental decline in a matter of years. High blood sugar even damages tiny blood vessels in your brain, contributing to dementia.

High blood sugar also creates damaging substances called advanced glycosylation end products and keeps your body from clearing beta-amyloid out of brain cells. Build up of both beta-amyloid and these substances are linked to Alzheimer's disease.

You can slash your risk of dementia in three easy steps

1:) Eat nutritious foods like whole grain cereal that help regulate blood sugar

2:) Lose Weight if your over weight

3:) Excersise 30 minutes a day, five days a week

When You Should Never Eat Soup

Soup Can be really good for you but not in all cases. Never eat soup from a grocery store or restaurant with out checking the sodium content. Especially if you have health problems such as high blood pressure. Many soups are full of hidden salt and sugars. In fact, just one can of tomato soup made with milk has almost as much salt as five slices of bacon and more sugar than a blue berry muffin.  Its always better to make your own soup. So using the tomato soup as an example it is very important to read up on what what you are eating to stay healthy.